Grammar Quiz – 3 : Answers

Here are the answers for the quiz on the case aspect of Pronouns :

  1. We have a “let” before the blank. So the subject of this “let” is the person who’s being addressed and the students become its object. The pronoun we choose will be of the object case or the accusative case. So we choose option c “them”. Option a “they” is in the Subjective (subject) case and Options b and d are singular. Hence we can eliminate all the 3 and choose option C .
  2. When a pronoun is used after a preposition, its used in the Objective case, i.e. in the object case. Here “but” is a preposition. Hence we choose option B “me”. Options a, c and d are in the Nominative case or in the Subject Case and hence can be eliminated.
  3. The blank needs an option that indicates ownership, that the kidnappers are the baby’s kidnappers. We choose Personal Pronouns belonging to the Possessive case. For babies and small children, when their gender is unknown, we go for “it”. The possessive form of it is “its”. So the answer is option A. Options b and c are gender specific and can be eliminated. The baby is a singular entity, so we eliminate the option “their”.
  4. If we choose “ me”, it would mean that Rahul likes Shalini more and me less. It’s a comparison of his liking for both of us. So the meaning will change. If we choose I, it’s an essential comparison of the liking of both of us for Shalini. Hence “I” is the answer.
  5. If we choose I, it’s an essential comparison of the liking of both of us for Shalini. If we choose “me”, it would mean that Rahul likes Shalini more and me less. It’s a comparison of his liking for both of us. So the meaning will change Hence “me” is the answer.

Any queries on the solutions or the topic can be posted in the comments section of this post.

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