Logical Reasoning – Question Set 6

In a survey among the students at all the IIM’s, it was found that in a survey 48% like pizza, 54% like burger and 64% like Noodles. Of the total, 28% like pizza and burger, 32% like noodles and burger and 30% like Noodles and pizza. Only 6% did none of these. The total number of students is 2000.

  1. The ratio of number of students who like only pizza to the number of students who like only burger?

a). 5:3

b). 8:9

c). 2:3

d). 3:2


  1. Number of students who like pizza and noodles but not burger is:

a). 240

b). 160

c). 280

d). 360


  1. The percentage of those who like pizza or burger but not noodles among those who like atleast one of these

a). More than 30

b). Less than 30

c). Less than 25

d). None of these


Click here for Answers

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